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Thursday, September 24, 2020

Types of Computers

Types of Computers

Computers are divided into different types based on different criteria. 

  1. Micro Computer
  2. Mini Computer
  3. Mainframe Computer
  4. Super Computer
  5. Workstations

1. Micro Computer:

It is a single-user computer which has less speed and storage capacity than the other types. It uses a microprocessor as a CPU. The first microcomputer was built with 8-bit microprocessor chips. The common examples of microcomputers include laptops, desktop computers, personal digital assistant (PDA), tablets, and smartphones. Microcomputers are generally designed and developed for general usage like browsing, searching for information, internet, MS Office, social media, etc.

2. Mini Computer:

Mini-computers are also known as "Midrange Computers.". They are multi-user computers designed to support multiple users simultaneously. So, they are generally used by small businesses and firms. Individual departments of a company use these computers for specific purposes. 

3. Mainframe Computer:

It is also a multi-user computer capable of supporting thousands of users simultaneously. They are used by large firms and government organizations to run their business operations as they can store and process large amounts of data. For example, Banks, universities, and insurance companies use mainframe computers

4. Super Computer:

Super-computers are the fastest and most expensive computers among all types of computers. They have huge storage capacities and computing speeds and thus can perform millions of instructions per second. The super-computers are task-specific and thus used for specialized applications such as large-scale numerical problems in scientific and engineering disciplines including applications in electronics, petroleum engineering, weather forecasting, medicine, space research and more.

5. Work stations:

It is a single-user computer. Although it is like a personal computer, it has a more powerful microprocessor and a higher-quality monitor than a microcomputer. In terms of storage capacity and speed, it comes between a personal computer and minicomputer. Work stations are generally used for specialized applications such as desktop publishing, software development, and engineering designs.

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